01 December 2008

Quarantine scared the shit out of me(yes its a NC 16 Movie)

Went to watch quarantine the movie,it scared the shit out of me,the people in the movie got infected by standard zombie virus+Rabies,and the movie is taken from a first person angle in a dimly lit environment,with night mode on,the zombies pop out of no where and killing by biting ppl's faces off and chew their necks lyk rubber.in the ending,theres a 'boss' lyk zombie wearing a under wear and kills off the 2 remaining survivors.funny part of the movie is seein the nigger cop killing the old woman zombie and the fireman playing GTA on the zombies by usin his hammer to smash dem,another hilarious 1 is seein the cameraman hammering the zombie to death with his camera,but trust me the laughs are short and the fear is long,i came out shivering with fear and throughout the movie i was asking myself is it ending yet? i cant take tis any more
The gaze into the sun