30 March 2009

Claws And Bullets

school was very boring today with almost infinite ranting from teachers,but i managed to pass my maths test,therefore i have not fail 1 maths test frm the start of this year yet.the "SMART" card was really pissing,now i cant eat mac with my card.next i went to mac with leon and marcus and when back to school again T_T im just too bored.i helped out with the painting of the SYF drama cubes with a shade of grey and white,but the pain in my chesty just have to come and bother me.a monkey was found in the school third floor and really i swear its a real monkey not my eyes playing tricks on me if any1 ones proof the picture its in my phone and no its not me although im a babboon

28 March 2009

Laugh In The Face Of Danger

Thank God!,my ipod somehow jolted to life.den i check the music library and to my horror,the library is outdated,and i onli have 87mb left.bloody scammers.

26 March 2009

Arcana Force 0-The Fool

thats just like me a fool,my chest hurts again,and this time its worse and the duration is even longer,after the talk about glue sniffing today,i became curious,and as the saying goes"curiosity kills the cat",it really almost killed me.i sniffed some elephant glue and voila! like magic i vomitted,become temporarily derange but in this state i can still feel sadness and pain,so its not all that "High".im very dissapointed with the drama session today.Politics its all so F***ked up.i may die soon.But i cannot die YET!

23 March 2009

Alone in this world

horrible news,my parents are going overseas without me again,i hate it when they do that,bloody faggots...im always left behind for some bloody goddamn reason,and if anything happens im always the last to know.and no one truly knows what my needs are,u think im a robot?i need life too,i need air,i need entertainment!and to top things off my mom is a bloody control freak,everything she does is always backed by the bloody reason"its all for your future,all for your good"every facet of my life is controlled by her the pupeteer pulling me the puppet.im not living a life,im just existing,i want to be somebody some day with my own strength not others.this world is so screwed up.BLOODY FAGGOTS!!!!!!

22 March 2009

I Have a Epiphany

school's reopening,and with that comes more boring lessons,i had a epiphany this morning for no good reason,my heart was saying that"what good are friends if they stand in your way?"i was very very confused.i just hate this feeling that a great danger is looming before me,my instincts says that something is wrong,someone is going to double cross me,i don't want to doubt anyone.i prayed to the Lord and slowly over the course of today i somehow sorted things out.i feel somehow that my burden has lifted,and the epiphany of friends are of no use if they stand in your way,no longer applies in my life.one more random stuff i have loads of white hair behind my head.i need to dye my hair for the first time

19 March 2009

there and back again-twelve hours in hell

tomorrow is goin to be 12 hours in hell,with screwing from instructor,and i haven got all my lines down yet.so u can count me on the deceased list and prepare an autopsy report,order a coffin and bury me six feet under.hope dat hell is not a place too hot.well so now i will sleep tight in my cuddly bed hug my teddy bear and prepare to "kiss me good bye" just like in the song [Bring It] by cobra starship

17 March 2009

Dear Granola

Holidays can be boring sometimes if u hac nothing to do,i spend the whole of today in front of my computer looking for info,and eating granola bars,its just delicious,i bought 10 yesturday i now im left with 2.i'll have to wait til tmr to see some action...dammit i think i hav cobwebs in my brain rite now and my neck hurts coz i fell from my bed last nite,what else could go wrong?curses

16 March 2009

My niece,the daoster

i went ot visit my niece at my sisters house today her name is Claire,shes 1 month old and shes a daoster,i tried many ways to make her look at me or at least smile at me but whenever i wave to her she look the other way round when i say i she dao me,shes only 1 month old but she alr dao me,i got dao by a infant LMAO :)

13 March 2009


Sentosa was fun,luge-ing,sky tower,and the sea! we went to the skytower where the platform rotates u up 50 storeys high and u get to see the most of sentosa and singapore.next we went to the images of singapore where the freaky and scary wax statues are,yet my class went ahead and played.lol im timid.LUGE was dam fun it was like initial d in real life,downhill,fast,sharp turns,and well fun.next was the bloody skyride,with legs dangling above ground with chun wai beside me shaking the chair,and with raindrops pelting down on me.cable car ride was rowdy coz we shook the whole cabin and the cable shook,and the uncle scolded us"dun u noe wat is behavement?" WTF its behaviour,dork...but its sure dam fun

12 March 2009

Deus Ex Machina

I,in my whole entire life hates noobs with no skills,trying to show off as being a skilled opponent,so im gonna dedicate this post to all the act-pro noobs out there.

1)please all noobs dun try to impress ppl by showing your so called "skills and strategems"in the field of Angel type,i used them more then u.

2)when u are getting thrashed by me and im mopping the floor with u,dun say the word [So?] repeatedly,coz u are losing and so juz accept ur planned destiny and die by my hand.If i would tell the truth,i will probably tell u this "Be thankful,you lost to me,so why dun u cut ur crap,take a bow,and fuck off from my face rite now" but since u already lost i would give u a model answer from the 10 year series "Nice match".

3)stop challenging me when u lose, u noe the end result of the next match

4)when u are losing stop giving me the idiotic smile,it pisses me off,and makes me wanna take u down over and over again.

5)and if the saying,"the skies are the limit" or something like that is true,den i dont think ur gonna go to the skies.

6)unless u win many matches,dun show me ur fucking ego and lame excuses.

7)seriously,it is noobs like u that fuel my already inflated ego

pardon my arrogance in this post but still FUCK OFF NOOBS,u are like insects on my windscreen.anyway tmr is sentosa excursion,and drama rehearsals,so theres no time for matches with noobcakes,thank goodness...

11 March 2009

I will show the world

today is a particularly bad day for me.i juz got obstacles after obstacles in my path during school hours,after school was fun but the events before made me emo and pissed,i went home with high hopes that my mom would support me in joining the tournament but in the end i just got scolding from her and she crush my morale,trample on my pride,and really dissapoint me.i will study,i have studied,even a machine needs some R and R.why cant they just see the light,75% of the people in my world just wont shut up,i will show them,I WILL SHOW THE WORLD.Lord please grant me strength.this is the darkest hour,but i will shut the world up one day shut it up for good...

10 March 2009

World Championships 2009

went to school and went through the usual drag,after school i went for drama rehearsals,suprisingly today's rehearsal was very very slack.after drama,the tchoukball match started.Kcp vs Jurongville i was so blur during the match,that i don't know if we won or not.any way,the world championships is on sunday at the SMU settlers cafe,leon said he is goin but i don't noe if its reliable.

09 March 2009

When i grown up

i went o buy the career guide 2009 in the sch canteen,got 2 free folders den the bloody idiot leon tai say i cheapskate,WTF.i flipped through the pages and when i laid my eyes on the section,Arts and Heritage,i was fired up!i immediately spotted the Words [Assistant Curator] and thats what im going to be When I Grow Up,secondly i too wat to be a designer,and design a machine dat can shut ppl up,after i get infinite nagging from my family members about my"Devil-may-care attitude"when the "N" levels is this year but who cares?Death to the n levels,its juz a more official exam of other exams,for show only 1.

07 March 2009


Loveless - Prologue
When the war of the beasts brings about the world’s end
The goddess descends from the sky
Wings of light and dark spread afar
She guides us to bliss, her gift everlasting
Loveless - Act I
Infinite in mystery is the gift of the goddess
We seek it thus, and take it to the sky
Ripples form on the water’s surface
The wandering soul knows no rest
Loveless - Act II
There is no hate, only joy
For you are beloved by the goddess
Hero of the dawn, Healer of worlds
Dreams of the morrow hath the shattered soul
Pride is lost,Wings stripped away, the end is nigh
Loveless - Act III
My friend, do you fly away now?
To a world that abhors you and I?
All that awaits you is a somber morrow
No matter where the winds may blow
My friend, your desire
Is the bringer of life, the gift of the goddess
Even if the morrow is barren of promises
Nothing shall forestall my return
Loveless - Act IV
My friend, the fates are cruel
There are no dreams, no honor remains
The arrow has left the bow of the goddess
My soul, corrupted by vengeance
Hath endured torment, to find the end of the journey
In my own salvation,And your eternal slumber
Legend shall speak Of sacrifice at world’s end
The wind sails over the water’s surface Quietly, but surely
Loveless - Act V
Even if the morrow is barren of promises
Nothing shall forestall my return
To become the dew that quenches the land
To spare the sands, the seas, the skies
I offer thee this silent sacrifice

Wings Stripped Away,The End Is Nigh

after the 2.4 trial run on friday,my leg is damn sore,i cant even get of my bed without my leg muscles sreaming in pain,and my arms,they feel like they are falling apart.tuition is cancelled tmr.which is the only thing i canjup for joy for...i juz want to find a dark corner in my bedroom and emo right now

06 March 2009


i learnt an important lesson today : "The weak lose their freedom to the strong. Such is the way of the strong. And it is the providence of nature that only the strong survive" many a times i feel helpless in a situation,with no means of helping myself solve the problem or even run away i juz feel really helpless,many stuff i done that i regret,what can i do to find strength?and how can i rewrite time?the paths of destiny is unavoidable and many a times it is a long harsh road,intertwining and chaotic,and it all bils down to 1 thing:strength.

04 March 2009

White Night

the flowers on the trees opposite my house is in bloom,and at night,under the street light the flowers seem to be shining a colour of white,i never liked nature,but i've got to admit...its beautiful.school today is just one word[FUN] pon class go eat in canteen go do Dnt instead of PoA and passing my maths tests.the grin on my face juzs grows wider and wider each day...

03 March 2009

Overflowing With Joy

drama today juz brings more good news,the heavy burden of the rl"the man" is taken of my shoulders,and im now the "apprentice" this week is goin to be the best week ever .... :)
The gaze into the sun