01 December 2008

Quarantine scared the shit out of me(yes its a NC 16 Movie)

Went to watch quarantine the movie,it scared the shit out of me,the people in the movie got infected by standard zombie virus+Rabies,and the movie is taken from a first person angle in a dimly lit environment,with night mode on,the zombies pop out of no where and killing by biting ppl's faces off and chew their necks lyk rubber.in the ending,theres a 'boss' lyk zombie wearing a under wear and kills off the 2 remaining survivors.funny part of the movie is seein the nigger cop killing the old woman zombie and the fireman playing GTA on the zombies by usin his hammer to smash dem,another hilarious 1 is seein the cameraman hammering the zombie to death with his camera,but trust me the laughs are short and the fear is long,i came out shivering with fear and throughout the movie i was asking myself is it ending yet? i cant take tis any more

27 November 2008

I Have Crimson Red Eyes,Like Sharingan

woke up at 9.47 am and i look in the mirror and mt eyes are blood red,and it looks creepy lyk some kinda undead frm movies,it really freaked me out.lucky the colour went away awhile later. then went to play Mh with comrades! Rathalos Day!

24 November 2008

The Day the Andy Got All Jiggly

dunno why to day i feel all jiggly and excited,its a long day ahead tmr,SYF rehearsals,My psp 2 moro,dueling with leon,the past few days is really boring coz its becoming lyk a routine dat i wake up,find my cousins to hang out...lol but still theres nothing dat can completely break my spirit!

20 November 2008


im buying a psp!!!!! my precious!!! yesssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

19 November 2008

Pics 4

The Post Is below Pics 1

Pics 3


Pics 1

Osaka Trip

To tell u the truth i dun lyk osaka 1 bit,i still think singapore,but the historic places and monuments really amazes me,and universal studios,it juz rocks!i tried to fall off the baxter building in spider man the ride,got punch by doc ock,and burn by the hobgoblin,in spiderman,den went to the jaws ride and got dam wet,it was the coolest ride but too bad no photoes in jaws,and most of the timemy phone batt went dead...so there are onli a few pics and the rest are with my mom,day 1 was a booooring day landed in the kansai airport(changi is still best!) went to take the subway to Namba station and guess what theres Takashimaya here!,took the long train ride to Shin-Osaka station where we drag our sorry asses to the hotel,and we ate bento there its sure dam nice,den we too tired so we went to sleep lol Day2-went to universal studios,its the best! fall off 40 stories,get burnt by flames,plunge down waterslides,take boat rides with sharks! we spent the whole day there,but the fun is indescribable Day3 went to kyoto,the ride was long and thanks to me waking up ate we could not go to the castles and shrines,and can only take the tour bus to see them from the buses,haiz my bad.den after dat we went to the Namba Takashimaya to shop and guess wat? Fel-Grand Dragon!(its a card whoose artwork is graceful yet majestic sorry i get excited talking abt cards) bought winfield's (Guitar Boy On Tag Board) deck here. Day4-went to Uemeda Station to shop,and found a tiny kinokuniya here and its old.found a hobby store and got a Duel Case with StarDust Dragon in it(Yet Another good card)day 4 could be the happiest day of the trip coz on this day i got a second copy of the Light And Darkness Dragon(yet yet another card),my soul card,compliments of my mom! Day5-its unlucky day!kena bird shit on my jacket early in the morning! but im gonna miss japan toilet bowls coz it can automatically wash ur ass,and lyk massage dam shuang!(sorry if it sounds crude and disgusting) Final day-Next Plane Home!finally Andy returns! took cab home and vomitted after the ride lol and next its the standard zzzzz time! dats all!

11 November 2008

GoodBye Singapore,Late Night Revalations

Finally juz hours Away,i will be goin to the airport at 9.30 although i am unsure wat time is my flight,but i will juz play along with my mum and dad,and after the revelation late last nite,i think i wun enjoy tis trip as much as i wan it too,but still,i will try to keep my indomitable spirit up! i will try to upload the pics once i get back,bye singapore,bye my love.actually im goin away for 1 week so no nid make until lyk last will.catcha on the streets foo!

The Card Game After Dark

stayed over at my grandma's hose with cousins and all.den we decided to play card game for 24 hrs,we played till abt lyk 3 den go eat noodles den chat,den spooky stuff happened we heard slow footsteps at the stairwell at 5 am and samething knocking on the metal handrails it was sure dam scary den slept in total darkness til 12.30 pm lol tommorrow im goin away!To Japan

09 November 2008

The Rain Stopped!

yeah 3 more good ol days in singapore and my ass will be on the plane off to osaka,and the rain in singapore has stop finally!no more cold!and to add to the good news for me i found my old bad ass cards!the royalty from the fog! FOG KING! now ye all card thieving punks trying to pose as the rarecard hunters are goin down with the aid of my royalty!FOG KING ok gonna study my POA tommorrow POA test

04 November 2008

Will This Bloody Rain Ever Stop!

more bad news today,coz next year im gonna be in another class dat my frens are not inside onli a few of them are there,this year's winter is really cold,and today i discovered many horrible secrets too my spirit's crushed...for today.whenever i think abt the 'N' levels next year and my sucky maths,these 3 initials pops up:ITE,tis year is the worse year of my 15 years of life,i dun think next year is goin to be anybetter...

02 November 2008

RainDrops Still Falls On My Head...10 More Days To Osaka Trip!

Today was a very very cold day coz it rained almost the whole day and i turn on my fan and made it even colder lol i juz hate the year end season lyk december november and such it juz wun stop raining rain is bad as it gets me wet lol.but on theother hand im goin to Osaka in 10 more days! and belive it or not i haven seen snow all my life! so its something i look forward to in japan another thing i look forward to is the japanese card tournaments,after i lost my psp i took on the oldschool form of entertainment,playing TCG it could be quite lame but nth do oso so i hope osaka is goin to have tourneys so i can participate in and measure my skills(thrash the living daylights out of them and claim the prize and be the undisputed champ!)lol dats all for today gonna bottle up my excitement so i can let it out at once! unleash the beast as they say LOL sounds out of place here

23 October 2008

RainDrops Falling On My Head

went to school as per normal so many teachers were leaving today its quite sad to see all of them go...it was almost raining the whole day,we cleaned up the classes and my class cleared all the tables den did "dance" battle in the middle,we name it "Step Up 2:The Class".LMAO it was quite fun too playing with the teacher's chair agn fun til my mom came along and met with the teachers.it was no more fun and the rain juz would not stop....

21 October 2008


YAY my b day today went to sch,have loads of fun,played with the teachers chair and face plant myself,hurt my jaw and got captured on video,to be KCP's Next top Jack Ass.It was hell of a time today.now its getting boring,im stoning now...

20 October 2008

The Sinking Feeling

today was quite a sad day, coz i maybe would go SUSOP...it gives me a feeling dat the sch is sympathizing me,and i dun lyk it,my bushido's gone....damn

17 October 2008

First PsP Lost Den now prank calls wtf,fools bring it on i will take them all,u punkasses...

today dam guailan wan go j8 buy chess go raining ta ma deh,went to buy chess den wait for rain to stop in food court with tessa,olivia and nurul,den cousin come den i go with him to market buy fries den go grandma house play chess since i lost my psp,den i get the prank calls.bring it foos i ain't no scared of prank callers foo i prank yo not yo prank me dumb shit come get some frm me rite here i will wait for u rite here sucka

15 October 2008

LOL...My PSP Is Stolen By PunkAss Bitches

some punkass stole my psp today its all i have in this cruel world.......**sobs** nah not really i still hav frens u muz be wondering why i still so happy?coz wat to do i oso dun noe who took it juz wish for dam dat what goes around dun comes around for those punkass bitches

30 September 2008

Mother Toungue EOY

Mt EOY again its 3hr 30 mins of sleeping time tis totally sux but tmr's Hari Raya so guess can oso cheer up next paper shud be English Which is come 1 kill 1 rather den MT which is come 1 sleep 1 :)

29 September 2008

1st Day Of EOY In The Hall

Today was the first paper,physics in the hall for the very first time i was quite tense and the MCQ was ok but when the section b adn c came it was quite hard lol tmr mother toungue,so fuck it. :)

26 September 2008

Warcraft! Finally...

finally i bought warcraft but! cant play much rite now due to the accursed EOY na beh.and im broke rite now.$54 gone lol

23 September 2008

Conflict What A Dreadful Thing...

today was conflict everywhere...founded out the dark side of people i noe,can't understand why but conflict and friction seems to be peoples favourite hobby now a days.Conflict what a dreadful thing

22 September 2008


dammmit maths was not 1 of my forte but i tried hard for the last test and i still got 4 Dammmit today sux but atleast i killed 2 gold rathain with leon! cant stop thinking abt her aiya damn bloody sian.....lol <-this 'lol' dun fit in

18 September 2008

Frisbee WE WON!

YES! SUCESS! 3Praise won the frisbee interclass we came in first!

15 September 2008

A Fun Day And A Day To Remember...

today was a little.............UN-Boring lol for starters,i actually read a full chinese sentence,den D and T i actually made a acryllic box! it was the first time man,u may think its nothin but i fell a sense of accomplishment lol.after D and T,it was 5 pm i went to the bubble tea with jeremy and all we played truth or dare and it was fun.Pei Yan ran around and shouted,im STUPID IM STUPID! lol loads of lols den Mark did jumping jacks in the middle of s-11 another classic moment too...

08 September 2008

The Report Book (Damn It)

today the report book returns juz lyk always and juz lyk always i pass english and 2 other subjects not related to maths or chinese coz i suck at them.and juz as always i am happy with it and juz as always my parents is NOT happy with it its lyk a cycle every year.for 3 years now.but surprisingly im still happy

22 August 2008

Things That I Love And Hate...

Today,2 events that i love and hate happened,first is my exam results,i love the feeling of geting my history marks and i pass,and i hate it when my maths paper comes back and i get less than 5 marks.the second is when playing monster hunter,i love the feeling of team work and unity,but it sure sucks when leon and other team members screws up and i end up getting killed:(

19 August 2008

Ok exams over...Now What?

ok the exams are over maybe due too much monster hunting i forgot some of my work! lets see if my exam luck has run out or not(i Hope not) those days dat i nvr post on my blog is because,well,i was playing Monster Hunter LOL

23 July 2008


Its a long time since i updated this blog,theres been ups and downs during that period of time but alls still well.1st august will be english paper,it will not be a great obstacle but the others i cant say the same.and i may stay in sec 3 next year...

18 June 2008

Holiday's a nightmare

5 more days to school reopen,the very moment i type out this entry i felt sad coz the whole damn holidays i did nothing!juz stoning at home,playing psp,surfing net,carry 10 kg rice,playing online games...i wish that i would not get grounded so often T.T damn it...

10 June 2008

Chronicles Of Narnia Prince Caspian(WARNING SPOILERS AHEAD)

(WARNING SPOILERS AHEAD)i and my cousin went to catch the movie yesturday and although it was late it was sure damn great the story revolves yet again around the 4 children from the lion,the witch and the wardrobe,this time a year later,they return to narnia when the prince caspian blewed some horn of some kind and they get transported back,to the 4's astonishment,1300 years or so had past and narnia is in ruins and the Taumerins had taken over,forcing the Narnians into hiding,and prince caspian team up with the 4 kings and queens against his uncle which usurp his throne and killed his father,the movie was great,but the bad parts was the part where i had to go to the toilet due to drinking too much of coke...

03 June 2008

Best Psp games played so far!

the best games i played so far are,Bleach:Heat the soul 5,Innocent Life:A futuristic harvest moon,and Sid Meier's Pirates!.
Bleach 5 features never before seen tag battles like hollow ichigo and ichigo team up against rukia and byakuya how cools dat?den assault them with dazzling tag moves dat really hurts!
Innocent Life is like harvest moon onli with a twist u are in the future farming more crops and raising more animals
Sid Meier's Pirates! features massive naval battles in the carribean,looting and plundering towns and trader ships,looking for lost treasures,marrying governor's daughters,getting a social status and ultimately vie the post of the biggest baddest commodore in of the spanish main,with your fleet and rowdy buccaneers,chase down fleets of treasure ships and more.Its juz lyka 1600s GTA without the guns and hookers.

20 May 2008

TRIP TO ITE east college (expierience ITE Progarm)

its actually not that bad onli with some usual stares and wat 'siols' wat 'siaz',some smokers in the toilet,dance battles,long Qs in the canteen,rowdy crowds,and co-op stores sellin rare comics.we started the day with the usual bus trip to east college(in simei)then comes the introduction and opening in the lecture theater,made a trip to the toilet and it was crowded with people smoking then followed by refreshments,projects,lunch,after lunch,something quite IN-TER-RRREESSTING happened,it was...DANCE BATTLE! some students was dancing and shuffling,i could'nt see quite well coz there was a crowd,next was followed by a tour,then finally the core project in the end it was quite fun!

19 May 2008

Of ite and new wallet

YES! i got new billabong wallet! NO! 2moro is ite visit whys life so strange u giv me 1 good event and 1 bad event T_T haiz

17 May 2008


My cpu is struck by Trojans! not paris and helen in the movie TROY! its TROJAN VIRUSES!!! i will take my keyboard,turn it sideways and stick it straight up the guy's CANDYASS

14 May 2008


My first time serving detention in 3 years!quite exciting yet boring dunno wat else to say and im serious abt being late onli twice,shocking?

13 May 2008


finally the kampung soccer time!!! today is the inter class soccer competition,our class 3 praise came in third thanks to the sweat and effort of the soccer players and the supporters(i noe im givin myself credit)although there were some uncertain moments and injuries,alls well ends well this event juz ignited the KAMPUNG SOCCER FEVER in me!

yet another lameshit post by the usual lameass
Andy Zabimaru

12 May 2008


someone requested LOVELESS photoes these are some:

08 May 2008

ok this is boring,does any one ever go out these days?DAMN!

My friend, the fates are cruelThere are no dreams, no honor remainsThe arrow has left the bow of the goddess
My soul, corrupted by vengeanceHath endured torment, to find the end of the journeyIn my own salvationAnd your eternal slumber
Legend shall speakOf sacrifice at world’s endThe wind sails over the water’s surfaceQuietly, but surely - LOVELESS ACT IV

05 May 2008

Join my frenster group!

My friend, do you fly away now?To a world that abhors you and I?All that awaits you is a somber morrowNo matter where the winds may blow
My friend, your desireIs the bringer of life, the gift of the goddess
Even if the morrow is barren of promisesNothing shall forestall my return - LOVELESS Act II

03 May 2008

ok...today was a little different went out with my sis to east coast to have dinner it was fun! mondays mother tougue paper will confirm be sucky gonna sleep through it,how boring

Infinite in mystery is the gift of the goddessWe seek it thus, and take it to the skyRipples form on the water’s surfaceThe wandering soul knows no rest - LOVELESS ACT I

02 May 2008

today ... said hello to me at the locker,i was as usual playing with my psp and out of the blue,i got nervous,all i could do was juz say hello back maybe,im really balless but it already came to an end although i will wait,its impossible

When the war of the beasts brings about the world’s endThe goddess descends from the sky
Wings of light and dark spread afarShe guides us to bliss, her gift everlasting-LOVELESS Prologue

30 April 2008

finally the start of the exams!the paper today was fairly easy!hope the rest was this easy too!

29 April 2008


1 more day to common tests!and history rox!feelin a bit bored from the daily routine in life nothing exciting...SO BORING!can't anything change?

28 April 2008


2 more days to common tests nervous?nope not at all,but after all that happened i tot i could let it go but...after yesturday and 2 day,i dun think so anymore.sad things aside,todays quite fun dnt rox!but poa sux and the school really does have 101 reasons to cane u why wont they juz let me tuck out my god damn shirt!!!!??? screw all who damn me
"infinite in mystery is the gift of the goddess,embrace it thus with opening hands"-LOVELESS

26 April 2008

today,i thought i was gonna die,so boring,boring,boring wat i can do is onli surf the net,psp,tv,eat,sleep,and process food,dun ask me abt common test i dun giv a shit...

my first blog post and i dunno wat to say,guess i will juz intro myself,im 14,quite GL,lyks to play monster hunter on psp,and nothing else matters
The gaze into the sun
