22 January 2009

The Puzzle Is Complete,My Wish Is Fufilled,A Friendship I Killed,the first 2 means nothing without the healing of the third

today,started up as a screwed up day,i overslept,my mom overslept,and she fu*king blames it on me,i had to flush the oatmeal down my throat while it was burning hot,and i have to drink my cough drops too in just 3 minutes...ran to school and while i was at it,the disturbing thought of 1 day left unerve me,went to school have crap shyte lessons,except maths with the standard deviation and all,school was screwed up today,i couldn't concentrate well and my mind was off thinking abt the deadline and the solution dat my dumb brain could not think off,i onli have just 1 final word to say,[Im sorry for the trouble i cause,the unhappiness i brewed and the friendship i killed] cny celebration tomoro but,tis is goin to be one of the most unpleasant new year ever.life means nothing without you,went to the hobby store,and finally got the final piece of the great Valhalla puzzle,[The Splendid VENUS] but it ain't quite splendid no more...one more word before i fall into my brooding half sleeping half awake stance again,devotion today was for once the most meaningful 1 i ever heard,now all i can do is keep my fingers crossed,and await my judgement,happy CNY all,im jealous of u all

21 January 2009

Mirror Flower,Water Moon

Mirror Flower,Water Moon thes are things dat can be seen but not be held,a flower's reflection in the mirror,and a moons reflection on the water...these are mere illusions...woke up at 715 am,drank the usual oatmeal with milo and went to sch when i was downstairs,i heard the primary sch's national anthem being sang,and anyway as i was goin to be late,i strolled at my own pace,damn the primary school security gaurds,they think they are the ones in charge locking up the gate,william ho was standing at the crossroads and literally screaming at the students.i think i sprint the fastest to the damned secondary school gate.in school there is still no luck with the final piece[Venus],and school today was a disaster,noisy crowds,rude and lowly sec1smy head is gonna burst.during cme miss oon asked us wat was our 2 most important things learn during this month and i replied [culmulative frequency curve] and [standard deviation],but seriously they from my view was the most important stuff i learn,after school i went to street 22 hobby store to try out the few new "tricks" i learned,i played till 7 pm and returned home,my mom said she nvr cook so i had to drag my sorry ass to the market to buy food for my grieving stomach,but wat follows was a heavenly spread of food.things might turn out better tomorrow,the uncle at the hobby store said dat venus is arriving tommorow,but today could also be the death of a friendship,words dat comes out of your mouth cannot be taken back.i learn to not be so reckless...Mirror Flower Water Moon

20 January 2009

Prelude To A Symphony

i went to the doctors today again due to the non stop coughing i have,i thought dat the doctor will be a bearer of bad news again,but suprisingly,he said my improvement in the medical condition i have is improving and the coughing is due to me overeating heaty food.i went back to school at abt 1.15 to prepare for the rehearsals at 3 pm.i found yet another piece of the puzzle to Athena from a sec 2 guy,now all that remains is the final and most splendid piece of the all,[The Splendid Venus].i went to the rehearsals without lunch and ate a burger frm the canteen,the rehearsals was torturous,i juz wish i could spread wings and fly off frm there,i am really really tired,and the deadline is juz 3 days away,God help me...

17 January 2009

Curtains Call

My Chest Pain come and go i really don't know which end will it be,maybe my days are numbered,but each day i live is a bonus,and if im really gonna die,im gonna find venus before i go down,help me with the search,Athena...

07 January 2009

My Chest Hurts...

no school for me tmr,my chest hurts,the doctor said i injured my ribs or my muscles...lol no nid go sch,its sure a relief.today was screamo day for the teachers,coz every 1 of em was lyk screaming at my class,and the SS teacher is onli describable by 1 word,WIERD and dats the bottomline

06 January 2009

Of Honky Tonk And Flooding the Saloon

today i was damn tired for some unknown reasons,attended a three period DnT class,got caught for hair by mr ho,went for the orientation skit rehearsals,instead of being a maut,im a HONKY TONK! went to cut my 6th month worth of hair,the barber was shocked because when she cut my hair,the floor surrounding my seat,now my hair is too short...and im Robert Zhang...

03 January 2009

Blue The Colour Of My Woe

the school reopens yet again,the feeling of the rules being enforced again REALLY sucks,and this year has SYF,and 'N' levels,really im not the man of steel,there are limits...but whatever happens the best i will give.no more wearing headphones all the time for me...
The gaze into the sun