21 January 2009

Mirror Flower,Water Moon

Mirror Flower,Water Moon thes are things dat can be seen but not be held,a flower's reflection in the mirror,and a moons reflection on the water...these are mere illusions...woke up at 715 am,drank the usual oatmeal with milo and went to sch when i was downstairs,i heard the primary sch's national anthem being sang,and anyway as i was goin to be late,i strolled at my own pace,damn the primary school security gaurds,they think they are the ones in charge locking up the gate,william ho was standing at the crossroads and literally screaming at the students.i think i sprint the fastest to the damned secondary school gate.in school there is still no luck with the final piece[Venus],and school today was a disaster,noisy crowds,rude and lowly sec1smy head is gonna burst.during cme miss oon asked us wat was our 2 most important things learn during this month and i replied [culmulative frequency curve] and [standard deviation],but seriously they from my view was the most important stuff i learn,after school i went to street 22 hobby store to try out the few new "tricks" i learned,i played till 7 pm and returned home,my mom said she nvr cook so i had to drag my sorry ass to the market to buy food for my grieving stomach,but wat follows was a heavenly spread of food.things might turn out better tomorrow,the uncle at the hobby store said dat venus is arriving tommorow,but today could also be the death of a friendship,words dat comes out of your mouth cannot be taken back.i learn to not be so reckless...Mirror Flower Water Moon
The gaze into the sun