30 April 2009


boring is the word to describe school.period. after school went to J8 to look for world war z [a book] but NOT there.so i got Hellsing instead[Still a book].met jeremy and marcus at the interchange after i went home for a short while.my hyand phone strap was busted.walked with marcus to the bubbletea where he went home.then a lost man came up to me and ask for directions to the MRT and i lead him there[felt really good,good deed?guess not]went back home to change and played soccer with my cousins and all. [they did jumpstyle while playing soccer] Asses.

27 April 2009


i cause strife among people,i am the root of all troubles.well basically i caused my mom and one of my relative to quarrel.i feel bad.but the feeling dont last long.what kind of beast am i?anyways went to play real life wrestling on the cold stone floor at my grandmother's house.my cousin F5ed me on the ground and in the end got his balls impaled on my knee and he went to the "sick Bay".i got piledrivered,tortureracked etc etc and now my arm is sprained,my leg is also sprained and hell theres Dnt Tomorrow.well i just causes strife for everyone,but i dont feel guilty.

25 April 2009

The World Goes Round

well today was real fun just that word real fun,im too tired to blog about it but lets just say i made a few new friends and im no longer emo

24 April 2009

Qui Mortem Invitias

Well my pride and my soul are truly crushed today.all the hopes and wishes that i have are utterly smashed into smithereens.my heart is smashed.all things in this world is meaningless.friendship,kindness,care? nothing but lies,all lies.this post gonna be one hell of a emo piece of third rate shit.how i feel is that this world should be destroyed,it is all built on lies.i thought i was once a fool,and now has become somebody,but it is all lies.kindness will be taken as weakness and will be trampled on.i have actually become the fool again.Fuck this world come 2012 when this piece of screwed up world goes down,i dont regret leaving it.anywhere is better than here.i will not live my life for someone else,but all for myself.this blog is the last stronghold where i can be myself instead of wearing a smiley mask and live my life,here i can be free,here i can dump my mask away,here i am who i am.

Life is nothing but a joke,a cold joke at that.

23 April 2009


well for the first half of today i was well,not myself i am listless,restless and emo,after hearing mrs dorothy goh's speech/scolding,i begin to fear that i might retain this year.and there are so many assholes and third rate bastards that will piss you off in school i dunno wat has gotten into me today but i just feel down and the end of the world is near,i even write out the 7 deadly sins in grafitti on miss oons board.Facebook was rite sometimes im a soreloser and when i dont get the spot of number 1 i feel like shit.stayed in school with jeremy and co.and crapped about last night's gale in singapore and some demonic stuff about meteor crashing on earth 2012 and all,i thought it would make me feel better,and yes it did.the school is one hell of a bias third rate bastard,that forbid my batch from takin MS and all.went home at about 4 and slept in my room with the air-con goin at 16 degrees and when i woke up at six for tuition i was sweating like a dog with the whole back of my head soaked in sweat(WTF?)and i was like not in my own body i was shivering and getting abit delirious and when i sneeze,blood came out(WTFx2?)

Tomorrows drama stepping down ceremony i dont want to sound like a sissy bastard but I DONT WANT TO LEAVE even if i die here and now i will not leave.

Ferum,Terrible,Fatum(Fierce,Terror,Fate.In Latin)Quoted From Nobuo Uematsu Epic One Winged-Angel

22 April 2009

Noli Manere In Memoria

Well the SYF results are out and it did really shocked me.i thiught it would be a silver but...we got a bronze.i've gotta admit im a little,ok not a little but im disappointed.but all the hard work we put in must count for sumthin rite? we did our best and destiny deals us this hand its no ones fault.but my ambitious side of me is weeping.i slept in mother toungue class and well i just feel my pride trampled by the result...anyways i got caught for my hair today and i went to cut my hair and now its short,too short. Noli Manere In Memoria (Wont Remain In Memory) Quoted From Nobuo Uematsu Epic One Winged Angel

18 April 2009

The Heart

PeiYan birthday party was today and i attended it.it was fun real fun,we had BBQ,and after that water bomb time almost every1 was soaked and leon received the most bombs,i escaped with only 3 hit,1 to my head and 2 to my torso.as the floor was wet from the water bombs,ppl were drag as"mops" across the BBQ pit leon was one of them,peiyan got bee hoon in his ass and dirty floor water all over him,leon got whipped cream and chocolate on him.when i thought all was over Bryan dashed out frm nowhere and carry me up and piledriver me on the cold stone floor,with the dirty water

15 April 2009

There Is No Joy,Only Hate

yah just the same old school,PE was fun,learn new game Danish Longball its sorta like baseball but simpler and the ball and bat is softer,but missed half of it by doin the PFT dat i missed but im quite satified with my results although its on average but i passed all!
Long Jump-210cm
Sit And Reach-32cm(lol im stiff)
Pull Up(not inclined,the one at the fitness corner)-3
well,and im proud of my score :)(cocky grin)

after school was just like a long road to boredom,theres just simply nth to do,so i just went to mac and eat the spicy wrap and went back home T_T

13 April 2009

Curtains Call II

The SYF was today,jittery was a common thing for me,reached ACS barker and i felt even more stressed up. but God answered my prayer and when i went on stage,it was OK.Now all thats left is to perform on friday for the dreaded sec 1s,this sux.i tot today was the end of gay Andy BUT!aparently i was wrong.and theres even school tmr,DWEEBS

12 April 2009


i held my niece in my arms today,and for the first time she smiled at me,and fart in my hands...lol.tomoros the SYF and im shiverin in my pants.Divine intervention is needed.Give me strength,Lord

05 April 2009


went to vivocity with my parents,sister and her dreaded baby at 3pm.took a cab there and went to toys'r'us(however u spell it)to get present for my fav nephew zachary,in the end my niece got a present and i got 1 too lol.went to some chinese restaurant and ste the "ma po tofu" as i was eating i was taunting my sister as she was in confinement,she cant eat most of the food.the pissed look on her face looks too funny.drama syf tmr IKUZO!
The gaze into the sun