21 May 2009

Bow down to the Baboon King

yeah, this is it man. The results cae back today. I aced 3 subjects and passed my maths.
English (70/100) 2nd in class i think
Humanities (60/100) 1st in class
Design and Tecnology (53/100) 1st in my dnt class
yeah this is more like it man passing. I think studying is worth while now. It feels good to be the top and pass.

19 May 2009

To close your world

well, I slept through the whole POA paper without even reading the questions, Im just too tired i slept last night at 3 due to DnT revision and doin my journal touching up here and there. Dunno why but i want to curl up in a corner and just put a full stop in my life just right there. Went to Marcus house after the papers which ended at 1500 hours and well craped,played poker,Royal Rumble,taupok and gossip.stayed there with Jeremy and all til 1900 hours. I think the glue i sniffed has taken effect. My ears are like deaf now...Total silence like my world has closed. well tomorrow is holiday. one of the few good things that happened in my sad little life. Devotion today said that the situation around us would change one day. But i don't think so this is my retribution, a punishment for my sins. They were right im aloser. A powerless corpse pretending to be alive. And this would continue on til i return to the earth. EMO week.

18 May 2009

Hate the rain,Hate the night

I've always hated the rain,went to macdonalds to met with my cousins. takeaway some chow,walked back to tgheir house and on the way i f**king slipped and fell,haha real funny...laugh all you want.I've never like the rain it's like thousands of imps pelting from the skies and making all those pitter patter and crap. And rain = no soccer in the field,no pumping the ball sky high. Rain makes me emo when im suppose to be happy. Tonight isn't any better too,the night calms your heart and soul, and makes space for other thousands of crap like crikets. Onr thing i hate is the pure silence, you could hear yourself think, theres no momentum, and when your heart calms down,loads of crap pops out. When im all alone and silent in my bed, i would always look back on the days events even if i don't want to. It makes me say "oh,crap" and "WTF" sometimes it just makes me regret and feel guilty for what i did earlier, if that is the little voice of conscience in the back of my head, then i hate it. It bugs me. And bugs are not good.

07 May 2009

Storm The Front

The 100th post of my blog and it not a happy expierience.i just hate the examinations period,everybody's studying and all and well it just gets plain boring.well at least todays not so bad played poker in school with friends and all and really enjoyed it played counterstrike in the school "LAN shop" com lab 1,and got owned but dying there is really fun and funny.And one good thing now singapore is dropping to yellow level yeah means no ones gonna die!and no people crying.PRAISE THE LORD!

05 May 2009

Over The Bridge of Bifrost

schools just the same,playing softball was fun but catching was always not my forte and now the ball is even smaller.well and i sucked at batting too.went home after school and for Fuck's sake my toilet is under maintenence.so i dragged my sweaty ass over to my cousins house to have a bath.played soccer with leon and my cousins,and the fucknuts rammed the fucking ball in my fucking face(sorry feeling tired and vulgar) now my left eye is possibly bruised or blind?

04 May 2009

There was a pale horse and on its back was Death...

School really made me uptight today.the school is checking temperatures everyday now and teachers wear N95 masks,it looks like the whole influenza apocalypse is here.the disaster is not even here and we are already living as if the disaster has already occured.i noe prevention is better than cure but it really intimidated me making me feel like a wussy.anyway i dont like the colour status of orange,its as if the calamity is already upon us knocking on our doors.well i just remembered a sentence i found somewhere about the 4 horsemen."There was a pale horse,and on its back was Death,and hell followed it...".yeah it really kinda relates to the situation we are in.Now all we can do is pray...

01 May 2009

War With The Swines

Im down with flu,serious flu.maybe Im infected,maybe not.cant go anywhere tomorrow.screw this hit.assholes.well i heard that the media studies students are having their exams tmr,tell you what im green with envy,but good luck anyways
The gaze into the sun