02 October 2009

Infinite in Mystery

Its been long, and alot of stuff happened, good stuff actually. Got a new LG KF750 for my phone and my maths got an A2 and is 2nd in class maybe even in the lvl. Although this is old but i still love it,

Infinite in mystery,is the gift of the Goddess,
We seek it thus,and take it to the sky
Ripples form on the water surface,
The wandering soul knows no rest. - LOVELESS Act I

Monday is the N lvls so good luck to me...

06 August 2009

Life hate me and I hate life

Emo time again.My phone is wrecked,the LCD screen cracked, and my DnT artefact is screwed. Fuck life, coz life fuck with me.

16 July 2009

The World Stands Silent

my new mp3 crackdown today,OLLO The Kube bloody lousy shit dun ever buy it it sucks right down to the very core less then 1 week and its dead.Spend today without music,its unbearable...now i want my itouch please

11 July 2009

Drawing The Nazca Lines

well i was too tired to blog yesterday, DnT was hell yesturday i drew lines for my artefact for 3 hours coz Sebastian Lim says it needed to be exact and perfect i still remember the measurements 25 mm 13mm,70mm by 200mm i tried the lines for 5? nope maybe even more times and each time i got an earful from him...Finally he got fed-up, scolded me cock eye(yes he did say that) snatched the pencil from me and drew the lines for me...

08 July 2009

The e' N 'd Is Near

These few days,its as if i have offended the whole world . And it all pretty much sucks. and just when i get my new MP3,my phone dies on me. FAGGOT. Took my N lvls oral today and 1 song describes the result hell lot well... HIGHWAY TO HELL. the only thing that brightens me up is my new 2 cm pink mp3. DNT artefact deadline 8 days left.

03 June 2009

Last Train Home

Actually wandering on the streets is not such a bad idea. Wandered the streets of orchard road today seaching for a book. Its rare,i think coz many bookstores either have no stock or don't carry the book at all. Went to orchard road after drama today and well walked around.my search ende at Kinokuniya where i hav to content with another book, i still can't find wat i want. Anyway its time to wait for its next release. On the packed train home, i realised something the train only moves in one direction and thats forward so if a non-living thing can why can't I? Its time to let it go and move on with the railroads of life.

21 May 2009

Bow down to the Baboon King

yeah, this is it man. The results cae back today. I aced 3 subjects and passed my maths.
English (70/100) 2nd in class i think
Humanities (60/100) 1st in class
Design and Tecnology (53/100) 1st in my dnt class
yeah this is more like it man passing. I think studying is worth while now. It feels good to be the top and pass.

19 May 2009

To close your world

well, I slept through the whole POA paper without even reading the questions, Im just too tired i slept last night at 3 due to DnT revision and doin my journal touching up here and there. Dunno why but i want to curl up in a corner and just put a full stop in my life just right there. Went to Marcus house after the papers which ended at 1500 hours and well craped,played poker,Royal Rumble,taupok and gossip.stayed there with Jeremy and all til 1900 hours. I think the glue i sniffed has taken effect. My ears are like deaf now...Total silence like my world has closed. well tomorrow is holiday. one of the few good things that happened in my sad little life. Devotion today said that the situation around us would change one day. But i don't think so this is my retribution, a punishment for my sins. They were right im aloser. A powerless corpse pretending to be alive. And this would continue on til i return to the earth. EMO week.

18 May 2009

Hate the rain,Hate the night

I've always hated the rain,went to macdonalds to met with my cousins. takeaway some chow,walked back to tgheir house and on the way i f**king slipped and fell,haha real funny...laugh all you want.I've never like the rain it's like thousands of imps pelting from the skies and making all those pitter patter and crap. And rain = no soccer in the field,no pumping the ball sky high. Rain makes me emo when im suppose to be happy. Tonight isn't any better too,the night calms your heart and soul, and makes space for other thousands of crap like crikets. Onr thing i hate is the pure silence, you could hear yourself think, theres no momentum, and when your heart calms down,loads of crap pops out. When im all alone and silent in my bed, i would always look back on the days events even if i don't want to. It makes me say "oh,crap" and "WTF" sometimes it just makes me regret and feel guilty for what i did earlier, if that is the little voice of conscience in the back of my head, then i hate it. It bugs me. And bugs are not good.

07 May 2009

Storm The Front

The 100th post of my blog and it not a happy expierience.i just hate the examinations period,everybody's studying and all and well it just gets plain boring.well at least todays not so bad played poker in school with friends and all and really enjoyed it played counterstrike in the school "LAN shop" com lab 1,and got owned but dying there is really fun and funny.And one good thing now singapore is dropping to yellow level yeah means no ones gonna die!and no people crying.PRAISE THE LORD!

05 May 2009

Over The Bridge of Bifrost

schools just the same,playing softball was fun but catching was always not my forte and now the ball is even smaller.well and i sucked at batting too.went home after school and for Fuck's sake my toilet is under maintenence.so i dragged my sweaty ass over to my cousins house to have a bath.played soccer with leon and my cousins,and the fucknuts rammed the fucking ball in my fucking face(sorry feeling tired and vulgar) now my left eye is possibly bruised or blind?

04 May 2009

There was a pale horse and on its back was Death...

School really made me uptight today.the school is checking temperatures everyday now and teachers wear N95 masks,it looks like the whole influenza apocalypse is here.the disaster is not even here and we are already living as if the disaster has already occured.i noe prevention is better than cure but it really intimidated me making me feel like a wussy.anyway i dont like the colour status of orange,its as if the calamity is already upon us knocking on our doors.well i just remembered a sentence i found somewhere about the 4 horsemen."There was a pale horse,and on its back was Death,and hell followed it...".yeah it really kinda relates to the situation we are in.Now all we can do is pray...

01 May 2009

War With The Swines

Im down with flu,serious flu.maybe Im infected,maybe not.cant go anywhere tomorrow.screw this hit.assholes.well i heard that the media studies students are having their exams tmr,tell you what im green with envy,but good luck anyways

30 April 2009


boring is the word to describe school.period. after school went to J8 to look for world war z [a book] but NOT there.so i got Hellsing instead[Still a book].met jeremy and marcus at the interchange after i went home for a short while.my hyand phone strap was busted.walked with marcus to the bubbletea where he went home.then a lost man came up to me and ask for directions to the MRT and i lead him there[felt really good,good deed?guess not]went back home to change and played soccer with my cousins and all. [they did jumpstyle while playing soccer] Asses.

27 April 2009


i cause strife among people,i am the root of all troubles.well basically i caused my mom and one of my relative to quarrel.i feel bad.but the feeling dont last long.what kind of beast am i?anyways went to play real life wrestling on the cold stone floor at my grandmother's house.my cousin F5ed me on the ground and in the end got his balls impaled on my knee and he went to the "sick Bay".i got piledrivered,tortureracked etc etc and now my arm is sprained,my leg is also sprained and hell theres Dnt Tomorrow.well i just causes strife for everyone,but i dont feel guilty.

25 April 2009

The World Goes Round

well today was real fun just that word real fun,im too tired to blog about it but lets just say i made a few new friends and im no longer emo

24 April 2009

Qui Mortem Invitias

Well my pride and my soul are truly crushed today.all the hopes and wishes that i have are utterly smashed into smithereens.my heart is smashed.all things in this world is meaningless.friendship,kindness,care? nothing but lies,all lies.this post gonna be one hell of a emo piece of third rate shit.how i feel is that this world should be destroyed,it is all built on lies.i thought i was once a fool,and now has become somebody,but it is all lies.kindness will be taken as weakness and will be trampled on.i have actually become the fool again.Fuck this world come 2012 when this piece of screwed up world goes down,i dont regret leaving it.anywhere is better than here.i will not live my life for someone else,but all for myself.this blog is the last stronghold where i can be myself instead of wearing a smiley mask and live my life,here i can be free,here i can dump my mask away,here i am who i am.

Life is nothing but a joke,a cold joke at that.

23 April 2009


well for the first half of today i was well,not myself i am listless,restless and emo,after hearing mrs dorothy goh's speech/scolding,i begin to fear that i might retain this year.and there are so many assholes and third rate bastards that will piss you off in school i dunno wat has gotten into me today but i just feel down and the end of the world is near,i even write out the 7 deadly sins in grafitti on miss oons board.Facebook was rite sometimes im a soreloser and when i dont get the spot of number 1 i feel like shit.stayed in school with jeremy and co.and crapped about last night's gale in singapore and some demonic stuff about meteor crashing on earth 2012 and all,i thought it would make me feel better,and yes it did.the school is one hell of a bias third rate bastard,that forbid my batch from takin MS and all.went home at about 4 and slept in my room with the air-con goin at 16 degrees and when i woke up at six for tuition i was sweating like a dog with the whole back of my head soaked in sweat(WTF?)and i was like not in my own body i was shivering and getting abit delirious and when i sneeze,blood came out(WTFx2?)

Tomorrows drama stepping down ceremony i dont want to sound like a sissy bastard but I DONT WANT TO LEAVE even if i die here and now i will not leave.

Ferum,Terrible,Fatum(Fierce,Terror,Fate.In Latin)Quoted From Nobuo Uematsu Epic One Winged-Angel

22 April 2009

Noli Manere In Memoria

Well the SYF results are out and it did really shocked me.i thiught it would be a silver but...we got a bronze.i've gotta admit im a little,ok not a little but im disappointed.but all the hard work we put in must count for sumthin rite? we did our best and destiny deals us this hand its no ones fault.but my ambitious side of me is weeping.i slept in mother toungue class and well i just feel my pride trampled by the result...anyways i got caught for my hair today and i went to cut my hair and now its short,too short. Noli Manere In Memoria (Wont Remain In Memory) Quoted From Nobuo Uematsu Epic One Winged Angel

18 April 2009

The Heart

PeiYan birthday party was today and i attended it.it was fun real fun,we had BBQ,and after that water bomb time almost every1 was soaked and leon received the most bombs,i escaped with only 3 hit,1 to my head and 2 to my torso.as the floor was wet from the water bombs,ppl were drag as"mops" across the BBQ pit leon was one of them,peiyan got bee hoon in his ass and dirty floor water all over him,leon got whipped cream and chocolate on him.when i thought all was over Bryan dashed out frm nowhere and carry me up and piledriver me on the cold stone floor,with the dirty water

15 April 2009

There Is No Joy,Only Hate

yah just the same old school,PE was fun,learn new game Danish Longball its sorta like baseball but simpler and the ball and bat is softer,but missed half of it by doin the PFT dat i missed but im quite satified with my results although its on average but i passed all!
Long Jump-210cm
Sit And Reach-32cm(lol im stiff)
Pull Up(not inclined,the one at the fitness corner)-3
well,and im proud of my score :)(cocky grin)

after school was just like a long road to boredom,theres just simply nth to do,so i just went to mac and eat the spicy wrap and went back home T_T

13 April 2009

Curtains Call II

The SYF was today,jittery was a common thing for me,reached ACS barker and i felt even more stressed up. but God answered my prayer and when i went on stage,it was OK.Now all thats left is to perform on friday for the dreaded sec 1s,this sux.i tot today was the end of gay Andy BUT!aparently i was wrong.and theres even school tmr,DWEEBS

12 April 2009


i held my niece in my arms today,and for the first time she smiled at me,and fart in my hands...lol.tomoros the SYF and im shiverin in my pants.Divine intervention is needed.Give me strength,Lord

05 April 2009


went to vivocity with my parents,sister and her dreaded baby at 3pm.took a cab there and went to toys'r'us(however u spell it)to get present for my fav nephew zachary,in the end my niece got a present and i got 1 too lol.went to some chinese restaurant and ste the "ma po tofu" as i was eating i was taunting my sister as she was in confinement,she cant eat most of the food.the pissed look on her face looks too funny.drama syf tmr IKUZO!

30 March 2009

Claws And Bullets

school was very boring today with almost infinite ranting from teachers,but i managed to pass my maths test,therefore i have not fail 1 maths test frm the start of this year yet.the "SMART" card was really pissing,now i cant eat mac with my card.next i went to mac with leon and marcus and when back to school again T_T im just too bored.i helped out with the painting of the SYF drama cubes with a shade of grey and white,but the pain in my chesty just have to come and bother me.a monkey was found in the school third floor and really i swear its a real monkey not my eyes playing tricks on me if any1 ones proof the picture its in my phone and no its not me although im a babboon

28 March 2009

Laugh In The Face Of Danger

Thank God!,my ipod somehow jolted to life.den i check the music library and to my horror,the library is outdated,and i onli have 87mb left.bloody scammers.

26 March 2009

Arcana Force 0-The Fool

thats just like me a fool,my chest hurts again,and this time its worse and the duration is even longer,after the talk about glue sniffing today,i became curious,and as the saying goes"curiosity kills the cat",it really almost killed me.i sniffed some elephant glue and voila! like magic i vomitted,become temporarily derange but in this state i can still feel sadness and pain,so its not all that "High".im very dissapointed with the drama session today.Politics its all so F***ked up.i may die soon.But i cannot die YET!

23 March 2009

Alone in this world

horrible news,my parents are going overseas without me again,i hate it when they do that,bloody faggots...im always left behind for some bloody goddamn reason,and if anything happens im always the last to know.and no one truly knows what my needs are,u think im a robot?i need life too,i need air,i need entertainment!and to top things off my mom is a bloody control freak,everything she does is always backed by the bloody reason"its all for your future,all for your good"every facet of my life is controlled by her the pupeteer pulling me the puppet.im not living a life,im just existing,i want to be somebody some day with my own strength not others.this world is so screwed up.BLOODY FAGGOTS!!!!!!

22 March 2009

I Have a Epiphany

school's reopening,and with that comes more boring lessons,i had a epiphany this morning for no good reason,my heart was saying that"what good are friends if they stand in your way?"i was very very confused.i just hate this feeling that a great danger is looming before me,my instincts says that something is wrong,someone is going to double cross me,i don't want to doubt anyone.i prayed to the Lord and slowly over the course of today i somehow sorted things out.i feel somehow that my burden has lifted,and the epiphany of friends are of no use if they stand in your way,no longer applies in my life.one more random stuff i have loads of white hair behind my head.i need to dye my hair for the first time

19 March 2009

there and back again-twelve hours in hell

tomorrow is goin to be 12 hours in hell,with screwing from instructor,and i haven got all my lines down yet.so u can count me on the deceased list and prepare an autopsy report,order a coffin and bury me six feet under.hope dat hell is not a place too hot.well so now i will sleep tight in my cuddly bed hug my teddy bear and prepare to "kiss me good bye" just like in the song [Bring It] by cobra starship

17 March 2009

Dear Granola

Holidays can be boring sometimes if u hac nothing to do,i spend the whole of today in front of my computer looking for info,and eating granola bars,its just delicious,i bought 10 yesturday i now im left with 2.i'll have to wait til tmr to see some action...dammit i think i hav cobwebs in my brain rite now and my neck hurts coz i fell from my bed last nite,what else could go wrong?curses

16 March 2009

My niece,the daoster

i went ot visit my niece at my sisters house today her name is Claire,shes 1 month old and shes a daoster,i tried many ways to make her look at me or at least smile at me but whenever i wave to her she look the other way round when i say i she dao me,shes only 1 month old but she alr dao me,i got dao by a infant LMAO :)

13 March 2009


Sentosa was fun,luge-ing,sky tower,and the sea! we went to the skytower where the platform rotates u up 50 storeys high and u get to see the most of sentosa and singapore.next we went to the images of singapore where the freaky and scary wax statues are,yet my class went ahead and played.lol im timid.LUGE was dam fun it was like initial d in real life,downhill,fast,sharp turns,and well fun.next was the bloody skyride,with legs dangling above ground with chun wai beside me shaking the chair,and with raindrops pelting down on me.cable car ride was rowdy coz we shook the whole cabin and the cable shook,and the uncle scolded us"dun u noe wat is behavement?" WTF its behaviour,dork...but its sure dam fun

12 March 2009

Deus Ex Machina

I,in my whole entire life hates noobs with no skills,trying to show off as being a skilled opponent,so im gonna dedicate this post to all the act-pro noobs out there.

1)please all noobs dun try to impress ppl by showing your so called "skills and strategems"in the field of Angel type,i used them more then u.

2)when u are getting thrashed by me and im mopping the floor with u,dun say the word [So?] repeatedly,coz u are losing and so juz accept ur planned destiny and die by my hand.If i would tell the truth,i will probably tell u this "Be thankful,you lost to me,so why dun u cut ur crap,take a bow,and fuck off from my face rite now" but since u already lost i would give u a model answer from the 10 year series "Nice match".

3)stop challenging me when u lose, u noe the end result of the next match

4)when u are losing stop giving me the idiotic smile,it pisses me off,and makes me wanna take u down over and over again.

5)and if the saying,"the skies are the limit" or something like that is true,den i dont think ur gonna go to the skies.

6)unless u win many matches,dun show me ur fucking ego and lame excuses.

7)seriously,it is noobs like u that fuel my already inflated ego

pardon my arrogance in this post but still FUCK OFF NOOBS,u are like insects on my windscreen.anyway tmr is sentosa excursion,and drama rehearsals,so theres no time for matches with noobcakes,thank goodness...

11 March 2009

I will show the world

today is a particularly bad day for me.i juz got obstacles after obstacles in my path during school hours,after school was fun but the events before made me emo and pissed,i went home with high hopes that my mom would support me in joining the tournament but in the end i just got scolding from her and she crush my morale,trample on my pride,and really dissapoint me.i will study,i have studied,even a machine needs some R and R.why cant they just see the light,75% of the people in my world just wont shut up,i will show them,I WILL SHOW THE WORLD.Lord please grant me strength.this is the darkest hour,but i will shut the world up one day shut it up for good...

10 March 2009

World Championships 2009

went to school and went through the usual drag,after school i went for drama rehearsals,suprisingly today's rehearsal was very very slack.after drama,the tchoukball match started.Kcp vs Jurongville i was so blur during the match,that i don't know if we won or not.any way,the world championships is on sunday at the SMU settlers cafe,leon said he is goin but i don't noe if its reliable.

09 March 2009

When i grown up

i went o buy the career guide 2009 in the sch canteen,got 2 free folders den the bloody idiot leon tai say i cheapskate,WTF.i flipped through the pages and when i laid my eyes on the section,Arts and Heritage,i was fired up!i immediately spotted the Words [Assistant Curator] and thats what im going to be When I Grow Up,secondly i too wat to be a designer,and design a machine dat can shut ppl up,after i get infinite nagging from my family members about my"Devil-may-care attitude"when the "N" levels is this year but who cares?Death to the n levels,its juz a more official exam of other exams,for show only 1.

07 March 2009


Loveless - Prologue
When the war of the beasts brings about the world’s end
The goddess descends from the sky
Wings of light and dark spread afar
She guides us to bliss, her gift everlasting
Loveless - Act I
Infinite in mystery is the gift of the goddess
We seek it thus, and take it to the sky
Ripples form on the water’s surface
The wandering soul knows no rest
Loveless - Act II
There is no hate, only joy
For you are beloved by the goddess
Hero of the dawn, Healer of worlds
Dreams of the morrow hath the shattered soul
Pride is lost,Wings stripped away, the end is nigh
Loveless - Act III
My friend, do you fly away now?
To a world that abhors you and I?
All that awaits you is a somber morrow
No matter where the winds may blow
My friend, your desire
Is the bringer of life, the gift of the goddess
Even if the morrow is barren of promises
Nothing shall forestall my return
Loveless - Act IV
My friend, the fates are cruel
There are no dreams, no honor remains
The arrow has left the bow of the goddess
My soul, corrupted by vengeance
Hath endured torment, to find the end of the journey
In my own salvation,And your eternal slumber
Legend shall speak Of sacrifice at world’s end
The wind sails over the water’s surface Quietly, but surely
Loveless - Act V
Even if the morrow is barren of promises
Nothing shall forestall my return
To become the dew that quenches the land
To spare the sands, the seas, the skies
I offer thee this silent sacrifice

Wings Stripped Away,The End Is Nigh

after the 2.4 trial run on friday,my leg is damn sore,i cant even get of my bed without my leg muscles sreaming in pain,and my arms,they feel like they are falling apart.tuition is cancelled tmr.which is the only thing i canjup for joy for...i juz want to find a dark corner in my bedroom and emo right now

06 March 2009


i learnt an important lesson today : "The weak lose their freedom to the strong. Such is the way of the strong. And it is the providence of nature that only the strong survive" many a times i feel helpless in a situation,with no means of helping myself solve the problem or even run away i juz feel really helpless,many stuff i done that i regret,what can i do to find strength?and how can i rewrite time?the paths of destiny is unavoidable and many a times it is a long harsh road,intertwining and chaotic,and it all bils down to 1 thing:strength.

04 March 2009

White Night

the flowers on the trees opposite my house is in bloom,and at night,under the street light the flowers seem to be shining a colour of white,i never liked nature,but i've got to admit...its beautiful.school today is just one word[FUN] pon class go eat in canteen go do Dnt instead of PoA and passing my maths tests.the grin on my face juzs grows wider and wider each day...

03 March 2009

Overflowing With Joy

drama today juz brings more good news,the heavy burden of the rl"the man" is taken of my shoulders,and im now the "apprentice" this week is goin to be the best week ever .... :)

28 February 2009

Winning is Everything

i missed the ikea excursion yesturdya,i was too tired...now my D'n'T is gonna take a big hit,im lacking photoes now for the folio,next week is not gonna be a good week either,i lost some matches last week,without victories,i feel hollowed,i need to Win!winning is everything,the journey does'nt count,what they told me is all juz a sham,and the rain juz won't stop...

27 February 2009

Rolling Thunder

Tchouk Ball! early in the morning is fun,but i need to buck up on my passing and catching of the ball.after school was really AMUSING bashed up leon with a umbrella,and many many more stuff i cant say,went back to school again to play tchouk ball...tmr is Ikea!

24 February 2009

Hair Cut Yet Again

morning assembly ruined my day,finally when i thought that my hair is safe,i get caught...blah blah blah the usual drag of school,and went to cut my damn hair,to hell to haircut.after that went to play soccer and psp,i was literally running topless around the block playing soccer and running around shouting like a mad man

22 February 2009

I Feel As Mad As A Mad Hatter

school today was just GREEEATT!it was juz dam bloody slack.SS Was dam funny coz we get to see mdm abby choo angry face lol.den maths,mr tan nvr come even more slack,all chiong play dissidia.after recess was english,where we learn about the golden ratio some kind of mathematical formula that calculates if u are beautiful or not.WTH dat means 1+1+1+2x3x4=you look like a pile of shit or you look great.i didn't noe u could explain appearances like that...Well it looks like a good week ahead with no one calling me loser like last week lol,and history is back to learning about Hitler,my favourite dictator.and with the OTK combo i pulled off this after noon at the canteen,its gonna be a hell of a lovely week.just 19 more damn days to class excursion to sentosa WOOOOHOOO!

16 February 2009

A New Life Is Born

my sister gave birth to a baby girl today,for some unknown reason i felt,happy.the name of the baby girl is unknown to me,but i heard from my mom dats the baby is very cute.lol i am an uncle!i got seniority now! call me Senpai from now on lol.im juz too happy

22 January 2009

The Puzzle Is Complete,My Wish Is Fufilled,A Friendship I Killed,the first 2 means nothing without the healing of the third

today,started up as a screwed up day,i overslept,my mom overslept,and she fu*king blames it on me,i had to flush the oatmeal down my throat while it was burning hot,and i have to drink my cough drops too in just 3 minutes...ran to school and while i was at it,the disturbing thought of 1 day left unerve me,went to school have crap shyte lessons,except maths with the standard deviation and all,school was screwed up today,i couldn't concentrate well and my mind was off thinking abt the deadline and the solution dat my dumb brain could not think off,i onli have just 1 final word to say,[Im sorry for the trouble i cause,the unhappiness i brewed and the friendship i killed] cny celebration tomoro but,tis is goin to be one of the most unpleasant new year ever.life means nothing without you,went to the hobby store,and finally got the final piece of the great Valhalla puzzle,[The Splendid VENUS] but it ain't quite splendid no more...one more word before i fall into my brooding half sleeping half awake stance again,devotion today was for once the most meaningful 1 i ever heard,now all i can do is keep my fingers crossed,and await my judgement,happy CNY all,im jealous of u all

21 January 2009

Mirror Flower,Water Moon

Mirror Flower,Water Moon thes are things dat can be seen but not be held,a flower's reflection in the mirror,and a moons reflection on the water...these are mere illusions...woke up at 715 am,drank the usual oatmeal with milo and went to sch when i was downstairs,i heard the primary sch's national anthem being sang,and anyway as i was goin to be late,i strolled at my own pace,damn the primary school security gaurds,they think they are the ones in charge locking up the gate,william ho was standing at the crossroads and literally screaming at the students.i think i sprint the fastest to the damned secondary school gate.in school there is still no luck with the final piece[Venus],and school today was a disaster,noisy crowds,rude and lowly sec1smy head is gonna burst.during cme miss oon asked us wat was our 2 most important things learn during this month and i replied [culmulative frequency curve] and [standard deviation],but seriously they from my view was the most important stuff i learn,after school i went to street 22 hobby store to try out the few new "tricks" i learned,i played till 7 pm and returned home,my mom said she nvr cook so i had to drag my sorry ass to the market to buy food for my grieving stomach,but wat follows was a heavenly spread of food.things might turn out better tomorrow,the uncle at the hobby store said dat venus is arriving tommorow,but today could also be the death of a friendship,words dat comes out of your mouth cannot be taken back.i learn to not be so reckless...Mirror Flower Water Moon

20 January 2009

Prelude To A Symphony

i went to the doctors today again due to the non stop coughing i have,i thought dat the doctor will be a bearer of bad news again,but suprisingly,he said my improvement in the medical condition i have is improving and the coughing is due to me overeating heaty food.i went back to school at abt 1.15 to prepare for the rehearsals at 3 pm.i found yet another piece of the puzzle to Athena from a sec 2 guy,now all that remains is the final and most splendid piece of the all,[The Splendid Venus].i went to the rehearsals without lunch and ate a burger frm the canteen,the rehearsals was torturous,i juz wish i could spread wings and fly off frm there,i am really really tired,and the deadline is juz 3 days away,God help me...

17 January 2009

Curtains Call

My Chest Pain come and go i really don't know which end will it be,maybe my days are numbered,but each day i live is a bonus,and if im really gonna die,im gonna find venus before i go down,help me with the search,Athena...

07 January 2009

My Chest Hurts...

no school for me tmr,my chest hurts,the doctor said i injured my ribs or my muscles...lol no nid go sch,its sure a relief.today was screamo day for the teachers,coz every 1 of em was lyk screaming at my class,and the SS teacher is onli describable by 1 word,WIERD and dats the bottomline

06 January 2009

Of Honky Tonk And Flooding the Saloon

today i was damn tired for some unknown reasons,attended a three period DnT class,got caught for hair by mr ho,went for the orientation skit rehearsals,instead of being a maut,im a HONKY TONK! went to cut my 6th month worth of hair,the barber was shocked because when she cut my hair,the floor surrounding my seat,now my hair is too short...and im Robert Zhang...

03 January 2009

Blue The Colour Of My Woe

the school reopens yet again,the feeling of the rules being enforced again REALLY sucks,and this year has SYF,and 'N' levels,really im not the man of steel,there are limits...but whatever happens the best i will give.no more wearing headphones all the time for me...
The gaze into the sun